Perfect Grade Gundam MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki Papercraft Templates To Download

Gundam MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki Papercraft Templates

Are you are looking for this Gundam Hyaku Shiki Papercrafts?. You are at the right place to get free download for this gundam papercraft.

The Hyaku Shiki is a mobile suit built Anaheim Electronics as part of " Zeta Project" . Originally known as MSN -001 Delta Gundam unit was designed to test unit , the MSZ- 006 Zeta transformation Gundam through technology " movable frame " found in the RX -178 Gundam Mk- II backpack and binder sheet for more mobility when defects in the frame design did not allow capable of converting into mobile armor mode.

Accordingly , the action in its current state , where he re- designed as a high performance MS . Transformation functions Delta Gundam resurface later in MSN - 001A1 Delta Plus. Gold toned appearance of the Hyaku Shiki is due to the application of a protective coating of radiation on his arms, which gives it some protection against attacks beam. The suit also has a unique image sensor called Encode system directive (IDE) , which emits a red pattern when scanning or when beautiful goal .

You can download the papercraft template here: Perfect Grade Gundam Hyaku Shiki Template

For this gundam paper model, I'ts very recommend that use the material such Paper, Paint, Glue, etc. to build this papercraft. If you Interest for another best Gundam Papercraft, Check our blog to get more download and get special rare papercraft of Gundam. So you are not disappointed after download it.

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