RX-78-1 Prototype Gundam Papercraft SD Version

RX-78-1 Prototype Gundam Papercraft SD Version

Are you are looking for this SD RX-78-1 Prototype Gundam Papercrafts?. You are at the right place to get free download for this gundam papercraft.

Prototype Gundam RX 78-1 third generated by a complete mobile in the project V-developed military siege Jaburo on earth. The point of the RX-78 series of mobile suits departure, Gundam prototype was designed original project V models of mobile suits differently, they did not put their attention on the power of raw fire that RX 75-4 Guntank RX-77 and Guncannon -2. Instead, the RX 78-1 focused on fast food, close combat, like the Principality of Zeon MS-06 Zaku II

You can download the papercraft template here: RX-78-1 Prototype Gundam Papercraft SD Version

For this gundam paper model, I'ts very recommend that use the material such Paper, Paint, Glue, etc. to build this papercraft. If you Interest for another best Gundam Papercraft, Check our blog to get more download and get special rare papercraft of Gundam. So you are not disappointed after download it.

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