SD Gundam GNY 001 Astraea Papercraft Action Figure

SD Gundam GNY 001 Astraea Papercraft Action Figure

Are you are looking for this SD Gundam GNY 001 Astraea Papercrafts?. You are at the right place to get free download for this gundam papercraft.

Gundam Astraea is one of many units successor GN-000 0 Gundam and predecessor of GN-001 Gundam Exia; design a mediator and second generation prototype Gundam. The device was designed and developed by the engineering team Celestial Being Krung Thep.

It was a test bed for a number of experimental technologies (particularly in the development of weapons GN) installed in the pursuit of performance and control over use. Although Astrea was not a special combat unit, the prototype fine-tuning has helped many weapons found in the third generation Gundam. Produced by the four prototypes, design Astrea and reflects the effect closely with 0 Gundam: an all-purpose combat MS.

You can download the papercraft template here: SD Gundam GNY 001 Astraea Papercraft Action Figure

For this gundam paper model, I'ts very recommend that use the material such Paper, Paint, Glue, etc. to build this papercraft. If you Interest for another best Gundam Papercraft, Check our blog to get more download and get special rare papercraft of Gundam. So you are not disappointed after download it.

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